Video: United States of Chaos, COVID numbers, vaccines, and more on Let’s Have A Fefe

A request from jail for organic foods, no fly tantrums, and so much more were talked about tonight on this episode of Let's Have A Fefe. We went over but it was so much that we had to talk about and definitely wanted to share.

Video: Hell of a start to 2021, COVID rising, Georgia runoffs, and more on Let’s Have A Fefe

It was a slow news day! You know that we didn't have anything to talk about or report on. We were just going to twiddle our thumbs --- BUT wait! What is this nonsense, this chaos that erupted today, this week.

Video: The Decent, the Horrible, and the Worst of 2020 on Let’s Have A Fefe

And just like that we are at the last episode of Let's Have A Fefe in 2020. A time to reflect on what went on with us personally as well as some world wide things. It has been an incredible year that showed us how resilient we can be, where we want to go and in some cases showed progress on how we were getting there.

Video: Trans Awareness Week, Trans* history, and COVID-19 on Let’s Have A Fefe

Tonight's episode we welcomed Freddy back after his eventful water adventure. We also got to discuss the trans* history and learn some things. Definitely waiting for our educational mark to certify that this is an educational show.

Upcoming event: Pave The Way Mental Health Summit, presented by Bee Daring Foundation

I happy to announce that I will be presenting at the the Bee Daring Foundation's Pave the Way Mental Health Summit 2020. This is the fourth year of the event that will be hosted on November 4-7, 2020.

Video: S9 E4 – Toy Maintenance, Shenanigans from the White House and more! – Let’s Have A Fefe

I think that this episode went pretty well and we jammed a lot of information into it. And you liked it. The only thing that I might have missed up on is remembering to say Freddy's name at the beginning of the show. But you already knew him right?

COVID-19 triggers my fear, anxiety and what I am doing to cope

In January, the year 2020 looked so promising, but February swept by and then March made the world stop in its track. It's weird how COVID-19 flipped the world upside down almost overnight. It's crazy to think that everything was open, we were organizing social events, going to work and then the world just stopped. It caused many to lose their jobs, it made stay-at-home orders mandatory, it closed the doors on businesses.

Video: WTH? WTF? Masks, Lost & Found Dog, and more on Let’s Have A Fefe

Tonight we talked about the great events of over the weekend include Kings of Arizona show, Drag Story Hour, Virtual Arizona Pride events and more! Then we delve into "facts," to lead us to still think that we are not out of the danger zone just yet.

Video: Maskless Pence, Mariah at number 1, Madness as states reopen on the latest episode of Let’s Have A Fefe

We talked about being in and starting relationships while being physically distant and responsible. Is it going to be weird when we reconnect and can be physically close to one another?

Thank you for your continued support!

Hey LOVES! Right now, I am in bed recovering from my recent procedure. I appreciate your love and support. With health concerns & community standards surrounding COVID-19, most of public shows & appearances have been canceled or rescheduled for another time.