This season seems to be rolling on! This week we had Ona Louise from New York City join us on Let’s Have A Fefe. We started the show with the cats trying to take over the show, as they seem to be doing regularly this season.

We talked about both, Freddy and me, getting the second vaccination for COVID-19. We also discussed what to expect when you get the shot and how to recover from some of the downtime you might face. There are some that get the chills, body aches, and then there are others that don’t have any symptoms or anything. But definitely, be safe.

Then we got into the current events like the 1.9 trillion dollar bill that contains the stimulus check and some unemployment, the minimum wage not being included, international womens’ day for all, and so much more.

Then we talked with our guest, Ona Louise, about how she started drag, got into the gig of being involved with Drag Queen Story Hour and being the executive director. There was a deep conversation around our game of this or that. Ha ha.

Watch the full episode at or